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How Is Your New Year’s Resolution To Quit Smoking Going?
Most people who gave up smoking in the new year will be struggling to stick to their
goals now, which is why switching to big puff disposable vapes could help.
How Did A Nicotine Nightmare Inspire The Creation Of Vapes?
Vaping is an effective nicotine replacement therapy, but its existence was born from a nightmare that revealed the necessity of a better way to quit smoking.
Why Vaping Remains An Important Way To Stop Smoking
Single-use vapes will be banned in the UK later this year, but vape kits will still have a very important role to play in helping people stop smoking.
Could CBD Vapes Be Part Of Your New Year Health Kick?
When making health-related New Year’s Resolutions for 2025, why not take up CBD disposable vapes, with this known to help treat insomnia, anxiety and pain?
Why Vapes Are Definitely Not Going Away Anytime Soon
There is still time to take advantage of our disposable vape clearance in the UK, while many other vaping options will still remain available afterwards.