Why Enjoying CBD Sweets Is Great For Vegans As Well
Amid all the debates about the benefits of vaping for those who switch away from smoking, sometimes the issue of how this can be combined with using CBD oil is overlooked. But CBD oil can be consumed in other ways as well, some of them not having anything to do with inhaling smoke or vapour at all.
CBD sweets are a practical and simple alternative to vaping. You don’t even need to be a vaper to use them, but they can also prove useful if you are in a place where you cannot vape, such as a public place that does not permit vaping indoors, or the home of somebody who doesn’t want you to use an e-cigarette inside.
With your CBD sweets, you can chomp away and enjoy the sweet taste in peace, often unseen (as in a cinema or theatre), while gaining all the benefits of CBD oil.
Why CBD Candies Are Great
To many people who believe in natural remedies, CBD oil is a great thing. Properties attributed to it include relief of pain, some cancer symptoms, mental health issues like depression, reduction of muscular sclerosis symptoms and improved heart health.
Other possible (though far from established) benefits include extending the life of those with glioblastomas (a kind of cancerous brain tumour), improving sleep and reducing drug dependence.
All this is good news for those who like using the most natural and organic medications, as opposed to synthetic stuff made in a lab. What’s more, the fact it is perfectly legal (unlike actual cannabis) and can be consumed without annoying the neighbours or even drawing anyone’s attention to the fact you are consuming it.
There are many CBD sweets out there, but for some, Cali candy CBD has to be the one, because it goes a bit further on the organic theme. After all, many of those who believe in natural remedies take things further and don’t just avoid processed food, but go the whole hog - while avoiding the hog roast - and go veggie or vegan.
Vegan Alternatives To Animal Products In Gummies
Unfortunately, many sweets are not made with vegan ingredients. Some of these are very common indeed and you may find a lot of the normal sweets you can get in shops will contain these ingredients.
For instance, gelatin is a common component, which comes from animal collagen, usually cattle or pigs. This is found in many sweets, not least gummies, which will include some CBD sweets. However, there are various vegan alternatives such as pectin or starches. Alternatively, there is agar-agar, a gelatine substitute derived from seaweed.
Carmine, or cochineal extract, is another example. Your name doesn’t have to be Ford Prefect to find yourself somewhere in the vicinity of beetle juice, as this red or pink colouring is made from crushed cochineal beetles. That means everything from pink icing on cakes to red colouring in gummies can come from these little bugs.
Thankfully, blood-red food colouring doesn’t have to come from an invertebrate bloodbath, as beetroot or berry juice could be used instead, the latter being more authentic when it comes to berry-flavoured sweets too.
Some gummies also contain beeswax. Of course, no bees die in the making of this, but it is still an animal product as much as milk or eggs. Thankfully, there are some plant-based waxes as well.
The sugar content can also come from animals in the form of honey, but most sugars are plant-based, so sugar can come from common plant sources like beet and cane.
Other sweets contain things like milk or egg, although this is not what you would usually find in gummies. However, it is always worth checking.
Why We Make Sure Vegans Are Catered For
As you can imagine, it would come as quite a shock if your commitment to all things organic and plant-based that saw you use CBD for medicinal purposes was undermined by the hidden ingredients in it. Of course, you can read the packet and spot animal-based elements, but that will leave you disappointed with a pack of gummies you can’t use.
That is exactly why we stock Cali candy CBD products. Of course, there are loads of people who are not vegan and use CBD products, but we appreciate that there is a particular group of people for whom this plant-based combination is central to their approach to consumption and health.
It’s a far cry from the way some folk will use CBD, but it’s great to have lots of options. That means vegans should never be excluded. After all, you wouldn’t be in a restaurant, so why be restricted in how you can use CBD oil?